
Maintenance of technological equipment

Repair, installation, maintenance of technological equipment is a very complex process, especially if the unit has a rather complicated mechanism. Any technological equipment needs timely maintenance, this ensures the extension of its service life, uninterrupted production and economical use of energy resources.

Our holding provides maintenance services for technological equipment, such as mixers and compressors. Our team consists of experienced professionals who have extensive knowledge in the field of maintenance and repair of various technological equipment.

We will provide effective and fast preventive maintenance of your equipment, as well as long and stable use of your equipment. We guarantee the best quality of service and tuning, which will improve the performance of your equipment and extend its life.

Maintenance of technological equipment

  • Checking the condition of all components of the technological complex;
  • Checking the presence of component parts of the equipment, the operation of electrical and other systems;
  • Inspection of equipment for defects;
  • Checking automation devices and setting them up;
  • Adjustment of mechanical assemblies;
  • Tightening of electrical contact and detachable connections;
  • Checking the oil level (if it is used for the operation of mechanisms);
  • Carrying out short-term repairs that do not require replacement of components.
maintenance of process equipment

Our goal is to improve and increase the reliability of your process equipment, which will significantly reduce the cost of its operation. We advise our customers and offer the best solutions for the maintenance and repair of their equipment to achieve maximum efficiency and reduce overall operating costs.

Timely maintenance is a prerequisite for long-term operation of the equipment. It is for this reason that you can conclude a subscription service agreement for technological equipment with our holding.

Types of work with technological equipment

  • technical service;
  • Maintenance;
  • major and emergency repairs.

After completing all the work, a test start-up of the units is carried out, and their performance is checked under the conditions of the highest loads. If no failure is found and all problems are completely eliminated, an act of completed work is drawn up.

By contacting us, you can be sure that your process equipment will work with all efficiency and safety.

In order to find out information about the maintenance of technological equipment at your enterprise, please contact us:

Mobile: +375 29 777 73 73
Standart: +375 162 95-91-98, +375 162 50-11-50
Fax: +375 162 50-11-50


Contact us for more information about PUMPTECH and our solutions

+375 29 777 73 73