
Construction of overhead lines 0.4-10 kW

installation of overhead power lines

Types of work on laying overhead cables

The holding's services cover all aspects of laying overhead cable lines, including high-voltage lines and peripheral equipment, earthworks and geodetic works.

We are able to provide comprehensive services installation of overhead lines 0.4-10 kWcontributing to the development of the electricity transmission infrastructure in Belarus. We provide full support to our customers by providing high-tech products and services, related accessories and equipment from design, development and production to installation planning and implementation.

When installing overhead power lines, we prefer self-supporting wires with protective insulation. The use of such wires allows you to maximize the characteristics of their safety and reliability. Also, in addition to high-quality wires, we use first-class fittings. The use of these materials makes it possible to operate and maintain overhead lines for more than 40 years.

laying of cable power lines

Laying VL 0.4-10 kW in Belarus

Our holding works at all stages of the construction of overhead transmission lines.

A team of engineers and designers will conduct connection studies and calculate the pulling force required to lay the cable.

The construction of supports for overhead power lines requires geotechnical studies, topographic surveys and calculations.

After all this work, specialists draw up a specific implementation plan, cost estimates for the work and a preliminary schedule of operations that need to be performed, which gives you a complete understanding of the project work process.

For more information, please contact:

Address: 224020 Republic of Belarus, Brest, Pionerskaya st. 52, office 502
Telephone: +375 29 777 73 73

Contact us for more information about PUMPTECH and our solutions

+375 29 777 73 73